With the rising popularity of preparedness in the last few years, finding the best prepping and preparedness related websites can be a challenge. In 2020 alone we’ve seen a pandemic, racial and civil unrest, and worries of our economic future that have people more than concerned.
Because prepping involves buying things like survival supplies and food storage, it’s an attractive target for online marketers who want to make a few bucks. This is not to say that every new prepping website out there is just trying to cash in, but we should be cautious about where we get our preparedness information.
When you’ve been doing this for as long as I have you build relationships in the preparedness community and start to figure out who the good website owners are. You begin to see who really wants to contribute to the preparedness community, and who’s out there strictly to capitalize on the prepping and survival niche.
My Favorite Prepping Websites Criteria
When I rate a prepping website there are a few key factors I look for as well as a few less important metrics that may or may not be available. Again, none of these alone are “deal breakers” because there are exceptions to every rule. They will however give you a fairly good idea about the quality of the website.
1. The Reputation of the Website Owner
While this isn’t always obvious at first, who runs the website and how they run it is very important. If the Website doesn’t have an “about page” or something that explains who the author(s) is, that throws up a red flag for me.
As we all know, anyone can create an online persona and pretend to be whoever they want to be. This means an ”about page” is just one small piece of the puzzle. Try to gauge how they interact and communicate with their followers. You can sign up for their newsletters, or see what they are doing on social media. It won’t take long to figure out how “real” they are.
IMPORTANT: Just because someone is trying to sell you something, or they have ads on their website doesn’t mean they aren’t legit. As website owners we spend a lot of time creating free content to help the preparedness community, but we still need to pay the bills. However, If the only thing they do is try to sell you stuff, that’s when you should worry.
2. The Quality of the Articles
This sort of goes hand in hand with the reputation of the website owner. If the owner cares about providing good content to their followers, the quality of their articles will reflect that. If you’re like me you’ve probably come across numerous prepping articles that left you feeling like you just wasted 5 minutes of your life.
A long article doesn’t necessarily make it a quality article. An author should be able to give you the information you needed, and information you didn’t know you needed, regardless of the length. A long pointless article is like watching a 2-hour movie waiting for something to happen, but it never does.
3. The Frequency of Publishing
This one is a little subjective because everyone is different. Some people who run prepping websites take a lot of time doing research and putting together a great article for their users. Some people like to interact with their readers as much as possible, and some do a little of both.
The great thing about the prepping is you have large number of websites to choose from. Some post articles multiple times a week, and some will have you waiting with bated breath because you know it’s going to be great.
The video below goes over the top 10 on this list, and the video at the end of the post goes over the rest in this article.
My 15 Favorite Prepping Websites
This is by no means an extensive or exclusive prepping website list, but rather my “go to” list whether I’m looking for a review, researching a preparedness topic, or just looking to see what’s new.
This list is in no certain order because each website has it’s own identity, and you may find one more helpful or interesting than the other. If you have any websites you think people should check out, leave a comment below.
Prepper Website
OK, I said this list of websites for preppers isn’t listed in order from best to worst, but Prepper website might be the exception. Todd is one of the most respected people in the preparedness community and does quite a bit of work putting together the daily updates.
Prepper Website is fairly bland looking at first, but think of it as a library rather than a movie theater. Todd scours the internet looking for new preparedness related articles, and adds links to those articles daily. There is also a “Tag Cloud” on Prepper Website that stores good articles on any areas of preparedness you can think of. Watch the first video for more information on Prepper Website
Organic Prepper
The Organic Prepper is run by Daisy Luther and has been one of my favorites for some time now. This website (and Daisy) are doing so much it’s hard to pidgen hole it into one category.
Daisy is quite active on her website, social media and her news letter. She has also recently been collaboration with Selco from SHTFShool.com.
Side Note: Over at Survivalist Prepper I did an excellent interview with Selco if you would like to learn more about his story. His life story is a lesson in survival.
The Prepared
The Prepared is a new(ish) prepping and survival website that focuses on the “sane preparedness” as they call it. They don’t publish new articles at a high rate, but they are quality articles when they do.
They also do a very good job of reviewing prepping and survival related gear. Their reviews and prepping articles are all well written, and very detailed.
Urban Survival Site
Urban Survival Site is another of my long time favorites. Even though the name is Urban Survival Site, not all the information is geared towards people living in an urban area.
Along with their own original articles, if they find something interesting on the internet about prepping, preparedness, survival, homesteading etc. They will post it on their website.
Survivopedia has quite a wide range of preparedness related topics. From Guns to health to survival gear, they run the gambit. Some of the information on this website is information you didn’t know you needed to know.
Because they don’t strictly focus on the prepping basics, you never know what you might get. You might get a great gear review, or you might get a few recipes for survival foods.
The SHTFPlan website is not your typical prepping website that teaches about food storage and survival skills. This website is more about why we prepare rather than how we prepare.
If you are looking for economic news, political news, or current events SHTFPlan is a great place to go.
The Prepper Journal
The prepper Journal states on thier website that it’s a daily survival blog devoted to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance, and personal defense topics for readers who want to protect themselves and their families from seen and unseen disasters in our future.
Much like the SHTFPlan website, The Prepper Journal focuses on the cerebral side of prepping. They do however have quite a bit of information on the prepping basics.
The Survival Blog
The Survival Blog is the granddaddy of prepping and survival websites. It was founded by James Wesley Rawles, and if you don’t know who that is you should look it up.
These days The Survival Blog is a compilation of posts from different authors, and sometimes average everyday prepper who want to share their stories.
The Modern Survivalist
The Modern Survivalist is run by Fernando (FerFAL) Aguirre who also authored the book “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and is recognized in the survival and preparedness community for his first-hand experience and practical approach to survivalism.
Fernando also does a great weekly live stream on YouTube with Matt Brackens. You can either watch the show on live on YouTube, or the website for replay.
Top Prepper Sites
Top Prepper Sites isn’t what you’d think of as a “prepping website”, but rather a list of some of the most popular websites. This website was put together by Todd over at Prepper website.
I like going here every once in a while just to see what (or who) is new, and also as a reminder about websites I haven’t visited in a while.
Off Grid Survival
Off Grid Survival is another one of those not so basic prepping websites. While there is quite a bit of information about survival and preparedness, it also goes into current events.
As they state on their website: “Off Grid Survival is a preparedness/survival website that is dedicated to helping people become more self-reliant and better prepared to face the very real threats that exist in today’s world. The site covers a wide variety of survival and preparedness topics, surviving man-made and natural disasters, urban disasters and crime, and self-reliance and off-grid strategies that can help you survive almost any crisis.”
Preparing For SHTF
Preparing for SHTF is basically the typical prepping website. It has everything you would expects from a prepping website like the bug out bag articles and such.
They also have quite a few “not so ordinary” articles that cover topics we don’t think about everyday. while this isn’t one of my “go to” websites, it does have some good content and a large social following.
SHTF Preparedness
SHTF Preparedness is another website that I have been going to for some time now. A lot of their older stuff is about the prepping basics, but the newer content is pretty interesting and informative.
Their one downside is that there isn’t any information about who runs the website or who writes the articles. I could be wrong, but this leads me to believe that this is a company rather than an individual. This is fine, just know what your getting.
Skilled Survival
Skilled Survival is a great website with a ton of preparedness information. You can tell they spend quite a bit of time on their articles because of the detail in them.
They do have quite a few of the “list” type articles, but in my opinion that isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes articles like these can be good at uncovering things you forgot about.
Preparedness Advice
Preparedness Advice is a fairly new website so I’m a little leery about putting it on this list. Nonetheless it has some quality content so I will give it the benefit of the doubt.
They have quite a few good articles, and I’m sure it will keep on growing. They have good articles on solar, off grid living, and some “interesting facts” articles.
Here is the second video I did with the final prepping websites
Share Your List…
As I stated earlier, this isnt the “be all end all” of preping and preparedness websites. If you have any that you would like to add leave a comment below. Our readers would love to see them.