In today’s show, we’ll be going over what a complete internet outage would look like, the newest Covid variant, and how a social credit score could be coming to the U.S. and other countries around the world.

Complete Internet Outage

What would a complete internet outage mean to the economy and the average person? Just like our dependence on the electrical grid, we utilize the internet for just about everything. We take access to the internet for granted, just like we expect the light to come on when we flip a switch, and water to endlessly come streaming out of our faucets.

It seems like an internet outage would have the same effects as an EMP, although probably on a smaller timeframe. And just like power outages, there are different levels of outages. Hackers could disrupt small portions, but the World Economic Forum thinks there might be a scenario where we need to shut it all down.

Covid Variant Omnicron

Well, here we go again. The WHO has announced there is a new variant of the virus that came out of a lab. This is not a NU variant, but a NEW variant because the WHO skipped over nu and xi in the Greek alphabet and named it Omnicron, which ironically is an anagram for moronic.

Did they skip over Nu because they didn’t want it referred to as the Nu Variant? And XI to avoid offending Chinese leader Xi Jinping? The more important question is, what does this mean to us and our future of being human pincushions.

Social Credit Score

Because China can do whatever they want, whenever they want to their people, their social credit score is in full swing. While it’s unlikely that a system such as theirs gets implemented in the U.S., that doesn’t mean our elected officials won’t try.

Links From the Show

Joe Rogan Segment:

New Covid Variant:

A Social Credit Score is Coming:

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