In tonight’s show, we discuss how the “world leaders” are saying the quiet part out loud regarding their desire to reduce the population, thus reducing carbon emissions. In this sense, the military-industrial complex should have a great ESG score because they are doing their part to fight climate change.

We also have a couple of videos you won’t see on MSM that show the realities of what is happening in Ukraine. These “support Ukraine at all costs” people with Ukrainian flags in their bios might rethink things if they say the Ukrainian military is rounding up fighting-age men by force.

Closing out the show, we also cover the reaction from some publications about the movie Sound of Freedom and how they discredit the issue of trafficking by calling it Qanon adjacent. Why would people in power not want to bring attention to this important issue?

And speaking of politicians, we’ll give our thoughts on a few presidential candidates and why it doesn’t mean what it used to. I know it’s frowned upon to talk about free and fair elections, but we’ll do it anyway.

Links From the Show…

‘Sound of Freedom’ trashed by liberal outlets as ‘QAnon-adjacent’ 

Vivek Ramaswamy Speaks with Tucker Carlson  

Young Ukrainians Forced Conscription 

Mike Pence With Tucker 

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